Why Many Fail to Get Fit or Lose FAT Despite Willpower & Motivation?

Blame our social nature which makes us so dependent on others. Man has always sought company to share his emotions, to seek inspiration, to get motivation, to obtain moral support, to learn from a role model, for encouragement and such.

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Inspiration, motivation and willpower are all thought process evoked by speech and visual stimulus. But, for most people that doesn’t translate to any meaningful action because of various reasons.

Besides, motivation and inspiration must come from within and not from a stranger or a support group, if your actions are to be sustainable. My bad, if you find me motivating or persuasive.

It’s your body, the only place for you to live in?
In my opinion, this fact is quite enough to inspire or motivate one as it did to me.

Here are few reasons why people fail to sustain their fitness or Fat loss journey.

Lack of Support from Family

One major reason why people fail in their endeavor to get fit and or lose Fat is the lack of support especially if you are dependent on your parents or spouse.

I’m talking about changes to food habits. Because it’s not going to be easy to change one’s food pattern and have everyone in the family agree to it. This will take time since family members need to take part in this journey towards sustainable health.

However challenging this may be, a proven method to achieve the much needed fix to nutrition intake is by starting with small changes to your meal plate. Replacing empty calories with nutritious alternatives and steadily progressing until our plates are almost nutritious.On the other hand, singles will find it hard, at first, to cope with the fact that nutritious food is hard to find and a lot of effort is involved in the preparation starting with finding the right ingredient.
Not only one has to learn to cook, at least simple meals to begin with, one has to dedicate time to be sustainable in this endeavor.  That’s a premium to be paid.

Access to Nutritious Food

If you have all the resources to buy healthy food in your neighborhood, anytime and anything you want, regardless of season, you are enjoying great access to food, in other words, food security.

By that definition, we are in some way food-insecure given our economic situation and short supply of ready-made nutritious food.
Ironically, it’s the same potato for the ultra rich and the homeless,
thanks to Capitalism’s profit focused intentions.


Making time from one’s busy routine is often challenging. No wonder, grabbing that breakfast from your favorite joint on the way to work seems logical.
Irregular working hours means eating at unconventional times and this could mean your dependence on particular food that is more convenient compared to nutritious alternatives.

Work from Home is another trap where the possibility of binge eating remains. Furthermore, one is likely to work more hours from home than working at the office given the anxiety of missing deadlines or improving one’s performance for the upcoming appraisal.

Also unfavorable home environments with constant interruptions may demand more of one’s time.
All this means your fitness or fat loss goals may end up sidelined.

Pre-existing medical conditions.

A common cold or fever can send one’s enthusiasm to work spiraling down,
even to do a simple task.

Conditions like Hypothyroidism, PCOS, Cushing’s syndrome, Depression and Sleep apnea directly causes a reduction in metabolism (ability of the digestive system to convert food to energy). In simple terms food that’s not converted to energy goes straight to Fat storage.

In such cases, working towards health and well being takes priority that can be done only by means of nutritious food and more importantly support from family and friends.

Unrealistic expectations.

Pheidippides ran from the city of Marathon to Athen, a distance of 25 miles, to announce the defeat of the Persians. He did deliver the message to the Greeks but collapsed and died of exhaustion. While that may be a legend, it’s interesting to note Pheidippides was a trained long-distance runner! It was his job.

I recall the marathon story to emphasize that sometimes we have to take it slow.
Be it making money or losing Fat, many people, especially young adults, expect that to happen sooner. Unrealistic goals often lead to disappointments because your body cannot work as fast as your intentions.

You may think you are well prepared mentally to take on fat-loss as a challenge, thanks to all the motivational stories out there, but often your body may beg to differ.

Better late than never

It’s important to understand that once your health deteriorates, putting it on top of the list becomes inevitable at any cost. And no, the adage “why fix? if it ain’t broke” doesn’t work with health. You have to fix it once you have realized it’s breaking apart.

So why wait to put yourself in such a situation? And it’s never too late.
Today is a good day to start and I totally agree with Mark.

“The secret of getting ahead is getting started.”

Mark Twain

Every Body gains/loses Fat on its own term.
People take pride in showcasing the success of their uniqueness by investing time and doing their best. Similarly invest in your unique body, give it the best nutrition you can and let your body take the time it deserves to see meaningful results.

To wrap up, Fitness and Fat loss have always been a rigorous endeavor, demanding more time and effort than one would like. Youngsters should accept this fact and make necessary commitments towards this journey. Making small changes over time will encourage family members to support you, which is the right step not only towards health but also wellness.

All work and no play is unsustainable, so start playing for your health and wellness by finding the right food to eat.

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Thanks for reading.


  1. 4 August 2024

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  2. 11 September 2024

    Techarp There is definately a lot to find out about this subject. I like all the points you made

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