About Me
Hi, I’m Vimal.
A full time entrepreneur. Writing has piked my interest lately, hence sparing time for Blogging.I started blogging recently although this stint started a long time ago. I write about Food, Health, Environment & Life and my experiences around these topics. Those are my go to niche.
But, being an engineer, I write about technology and science, No, not the typical “smartphone with half a dozen cameras” or “establishing a colony on mars” stories, only my opinion about them. I believe technology should be simple, useful and affordable.
Some of the things that fascinates me are mythology, ancient people and their temples. Soul & mind, (and how quantum physics is hard at work to explain them) Philosophy and life itself. Which makes be believe that you and I have more in common?
I’m hoping to connect with writers and readers who are looking to grow personally and make progress in their well being. If your interests resonates with mine, “Hello there!”
I want to read your blogs and learn from you. So feel free to drop your link in the comments or send me a message using the contact me page.
Also sign up to my blog and receive an email notification when I post my next piece.
I want to thank you personally, so don’t forget to leave a comment.I come from a technical background with 15 years of experience as backend design engineer in the microprocessor industry. Currently pursuing entrepreneurship in online retail. Married with two kids, I live in Bangalore, India.
Achievements : Growing up in the 80s on those narrow streets. A childhood of flying without wings. Swimming without fins and exploring without maps. Zero parental supervision.
Interests: Photography. Composting n Gardening (thanks to the waste segregation initiative). Cooking (thanks to the pandemic), Electronics enthusiast (by choice), Music and Reading. Expert in none of the above.
I read 10 books and I thought I could write. Tell me how am I doing? click
Vimal Mohan
For wellness & wellbeing